Method Not Found: Void QCONTROLLibV2.IQmLayer.set_BearingCoordSystem

You may get the following error when starting Quickmap:

Quickmap: Unexpected Error Encountered

Method not found: ‘Void

Please follow these steps to fix this error:

  1. Paste the following URL into your web browser, then click DOWNLOAD and run the QInstaller.exe which is downloaded:
  2. This may then give you the option to UNINSTALL or CLOSE. Please click Uninstall (this will not affect your Quickmap data)
  3. It will then give you a message (uninstall successfully completed), click Close
  4. Refresh the LINK or re run as before and rerun the Qinstaller.exe
  5. This will now give you the option to Install
  6. Click install, then choose data and software when asked, and install for all users
  7. This will then give you a message (Installation successfully completed). Click Close
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