Unrecognized Database Format (APP_M_Nth.mdb)

When starting Quickmap, you may get this error: Quickmap: Unexpected Error Encountered Unrecognized database format ‘\\server\share\Data\Legal\APP\APP_M_Nth.mdb’.. This is likely due to the APP_M_Nth.mdb file being corrupted. As this particular MDB file is no longer used by Quickmap, it’s safe to Continue reading Unrecognized Database Format (APP_M_Nth.mdb)

Unrecognized Database Format In Procedure ShowPlanSearch Of Module ModSurveyPlans

When trying to search for a survey plan, you may get this error: <blockquote>Error -2147467259 (Unrecognized database format ‘xxxx.mdb’.) in procedure ShowPlanSearch of Module modSurveyPlans</blockquote> This is because the database (the mdb file specified in the error) has a problem Continue reading Unrecognized Database Format In Procedure ShowPlanSearch Of Module ModSurveyPlans

Could Not Open Database – Unrecognized Database Format

When trying to open Quickmap Version 7, you may get this error: Could not open database Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB4.0;Data Source=(Path\QMap.mdb) Unrecognized database format (Path\QMap.mdb). This occurs due to the QMap.mdb file becoming corrupted, possibly during the data update process. This is a Continue reading Could Not Open Database – Unrecognized Database Format