Updating Quickmap

To update Quickmap, you will need to first download the data. Once the data is downloaded from Quickmap, it will need to be put in the Quickmap Data Directory (or directories on your network).

There are 3 ways to download data from Quickmap, there are (in order of preference):

  • Data Download Manager (Recommended)
  • QDownloader.exe
  • Zip file

A synopsis of each method is listed below:

Data Download Manager

This is the preferred way to update Quickmap, because it can be set to either download and update the data directory automatically, or manually. If you have multiple Data Directories, you can have multiple copies of the Data Download Manager that can be used to automate copying the data between Data Directories (after the first one has been updated). Additional Data Download Managers are free if you’re using them to copy data between Data Directories. Alternatively you can set up additional Data Download Managers to download the data from Quickmap for each Data Directory (in which case there’s a small additional charge for those extra downloads). Once set up, the Data Download Manger is a “zero touch” solution, requiring no user intervention. The Data Download Manager can be set to use either the WCF or Microsoft BITS protocol to download data, so it is more resilient and has more options for getting around firewall issues.

Click the link for more information about how to install, configure and user the Data Download Manager.


QDownloader is a program that can be downloaded from Quickmap whenever you need to perform an update. You need to re-download the program each time you want to do an update, in order to get the latest data (this will be emailed out to you, based on your subscription). Qdownloader will perform the download of the data for you, and will update the data directory automatically, if you run it from a machine that is aware of the location of the Data Directory. If there are other Data Directories that need updating, you’ll have to either run QDownloader on machines aware of those Data Directories (Quickmap has a small additional charge for those extra downloads), or manually copy the data between those Data Directories. QDownloader uses the Microsoft BITS protocol to download data from Quickmap.

Click the link for more information about QDownloader.

Zip Downloads

Zip downloads are used if there is a problem using either of the other two methods. To use Zip files, Quickmap will email you a link to click on, which will download a ZIP file through your internet browser. Once downloaded, the file will have to be unzipped, and the containing files need to be manually copied into each Data Directory. Zip downloads use the HTTP protocol.

Click the link for more information about Zip downloads.

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